Friday, February 19, 2010

Blizzardy Valentine's Day

WOW! So we had two blizzards in a row last week and it was amazing! I have never seen a blizzard before. When I woke up, I looked out my window and everything was white--the tree trunks, the sky, the roof of the barn, even the air! The wind howled and it scared me, but Dad built a fire for us to stay warm and cozy next to so it was ok.

The best part was I had off school for a whole week! I sledded and built a snow woman this time, since I did a snow man before. Rennie helped. He loved the snow, and tumbled around in it with his other fox friends (Gomez and Arielle).

I finally went back to school Monday and we celebrated Valentine's Day (which was February 14). Everyone in my class had to give each person a valentine. Valentines are cards to say you like the person. They usually have hearts on them. I didn't want to give any to the boys because I thought I might get made fun of, but when I saw everyone giving them to each other I felt better. Henry gave me an extra-special big one with sparkles on it but he gave everyone else small ones. I wonder if he likes me?

Monday, January 11, 2010

I've Started a New Fad!

What's this? Look what I got in my email today! Here's a little girl in Germany who has made friends with a duck! Say hello to "Mara Duck-Top!"

Do you have pictures of yourself enjoying my story or being inspired by Rennie and me? Email it to and you could appear on my blog!

Thanks to Armin B. for the pic!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays everyone, and Happy New Year! I hope it was good. Mine sure was. On Christmas Eve I was allowed to open one present, and guess what it was. A new hat! It is white with a pom-pom on top. I told Mom I don't need a hat though--Rennie keeps my head warm. I don't think she likes when he sits on my head. Probably because he's not quite potty-trained yet.

Christmas day I woke up early and opened lots of presents. Here's what I got:
Some socks
A new green sweater that Mom knitted
Some candy (saltwater taffy that Uncle Henry brought up from Rehoboth--yum!)
Some books

And Rennie got a scarf, also knitted by my mom.

Then we went to church, and afterwards had a big dinner at Grandma's with my whole family. Besides Grandma, my aunt and uncle were there, and also cousin Sarah. We all ate ham, potatoes, and spinach, even Rennie, but he wasn't allowed at the table so he ate from his dog bowl in the kitchen.

New Years I asked Mom and Dad if I could stay up til midnight and they finally said yes because I'm a big girl this year (six) but I don't remember it because I think I did fall asleep. When I woke up the next morning, I decided this year doesn't feel any different though. Except I have a fox in my house all the time.